【創業基地】不只是美食,更是文化底蘊的饗宴:柏林新創公司 Easy Cook Asia
不只是美食,更是文化底蘊的饗宴 - Easy Cook Asia 創業基地/創業故事專欄/專欄記者 鄭珊 柏林採訪報導 創業基地此次很榮幸邀請到在西門子所舉辦的Make It Lean新創比賽中獲得第二名殊榮的新創公司 Easy Cook Asia (以下簡稱為ECA)接受採訪。Easy Cook Asia 以 The more you know, the more you enjoy. 的構想為出發點,期盼消費者在瞭解了ECA所帶來的料理故事後, 更能充分 享受自己料理的樂趣,並品嚐食物其中的文化意涵。 「每個 Meal kit 內都會附上食譜和故事小卡,除了味覺和嗅覺上的享受之外,心靈也能得到滿足。」 以下是創業基地對來自韓國的ECA創辦人所進行的實地採訪文字紀錄: /1/ Origin, product and people Q: What kind of services or product do you want to provide through Easy Cook Asia (ECA)? What are the highlights and the pain-points you found? Easy Cook Asia 提供什麼商品或服務 A: Our mission is to make our customers not only enjoy the flavorful and healthy Asian food but also understand the stories behind those food and ingredients. With our meal kits, anyone who is interested in cooking authentic Asian cuisines can easily be a professional chef in their kitchen. Every meal can be prepared within 15 minutes with simple and clear ...